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Twenty-Something and Still Going Strong...

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Cinderella Men

So I was watching Cinderella yesterday. Yes the cartoon. I was working out and it was on, ok? But anyway I was watching Cinderella and the last bit was on, you know the bit where they are all trying on the glass slipper and Cinderella is locked in her room. Anyway I'm watching this scene, the little mice are risking their lives to get that key, Cinderella is crying her eyes out over the prince she loves and will never see again. The wicked step mother is all happy that she has once again thwarted Cinderella's dreams of happiness, Bruno the dog is being woken up and dragged up the stairs to fight the cat...and all the while I'm thinking that all this effort is being made for this Prince who never bloody did ANYTHING!
I mean he danced with her at the dance and looked all pretty but at the end of the day he isn't even out looking for her himself!
Fairy tales are really setting the bar low for men sweeping women of their feet. I mean what's this really saying? That if you have a few bob, a title and a pretty face, the girls and the mice and what have you will move heaven and earth just to be by your side? Are fairy tales the reason men today can't be arsed?

If you look at it, with the exception of Sleeping Beauty (who's prince is quite dishy by the way) in which the Prince has to kill dragons and man eating thorn bushes to go wake her up, all the fairy tale princes make zero effort, turn up at the last minute to make an honest woman out of the princess and claim the glory. And why in this age of political correctness is no one bothered by the fact that Snow White never once even considered hooking up any of the Dwarves who were such devoted love slaves?

Come to think of it the Beast in Beauty and the Beast does make quiet an effort to win over and protect old Beauty but then he's supposed to be ugly so that doesn't count.


  • At 2:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    obi wan kenobi wan

    ...call me


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