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Twenty-Something and Still Going Strong...

Friday, August 26, 2005

Corrupt & Corrupted Worlds

Somehow with so much to want and need and crave in the world I find myself respecting more and more the people who find it in themselves to value the simplest things in life, a pretty sunset, the cold water of a beautiful ocean, cold water on a hot summer day…and yet the more I find myself valuing these things and others who can appreciate them the harder it becomes to find those who can even still register them.

Is it these times we live in that have blinded us to the world and its inherent beauty or is it us who have made the world a place in which there is no room for the appreciation of the pure and the simple? Which is the corrupter and which is the corrupted or is it everything conspiring together to deprive the world of the joy it holds.

Emptiness like “the nothing” is inhabiting our lives and our souls and we all buy into it never questioning where the fantasy and the joy went…


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