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Twenty-Something and Still Going Strong...

Friday, August 26, 2005

Rules, Life & All That Rot

All these generalizations we try to create and we assume to live by; “alpha males”, “old cows” “new cows”, the “man’s man”, “this type of girl”, “that kind of guy” what are they? They are just a method of us trying to apply rules and safeguards to a life that doesn’t work in accordance to rules and safeguards. Ultimately we are trying to guard ourselves against heartache and disappointment. So the question remains how do we draw the line between living safely and living a life spend unlived. When is it safe to drop your guard, lay down your sword and experience life? And are all bad experiences to be guarded against…how would we ever learn.
It comes to point here when we say we can learn from the mistakes of others but do we ever really? Too often when one sees oneself mirrored in others one beholds the other with rather more contempt and cynicism than usual.
Why is that? Why are we so repulsed by ourselves at an unconscious level?
We then talk of bonds and soul mates and a feeling of oneness…but we seldom realize that these bonds have less to do with similarities of character and soul and more to do with chemistry and preconceived notions.
So a note to end on, are we looking for soul-mates or “Mr. Right”, are we looking to put up walls around ourselves so we don’t have to bother searching anymore…or are we simply waiting to bump into someone as chemically imbalanced as ourselves and hoping to live happily ever after.


  • At 10:24 AM, Blogger The Artsaypunk said…

    What in the hell are new cows? I'm not hip with the kids' lingo.

  • At 7:49 PM, Blogger Mashal Peerzada said…

    You know, the girlfriend that comes after you in a guys life :)

  • At 4:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    emmm I read most of ur stuff...n for some reason I find it pretty real, can relate to it, things I have thought on n not put to paper. Anyway great stuff tc..

  • At 3:26 PM, Blogger Mashal Peerzada said…

    thanks hon...keep checking in :)


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